I borrowed this loom to use for demo's at a textile exhibit we are going to have at our local museum. I am enchanted by it. I sleyed and threaded it with carpet warp last night with it sitting on the coffee table while I was watching 2 (not very good) movies. I am enchanted by it! Such a tiny thing but with a 15-dent reed and 4 harnesses!  As soon as I figure out how to post pictures I will do that. 


Claudia Segal (not verified)

I have a 2 shaft STructo and am having buyer's remorse for 2 reasons.  First, I have about 25 heddles total! and it's only 2 shafts which I already have on my rigid heddle loom.  I wish I were handier and more creative so I could add 2 more shafts.  I need to add more heddles and that just make them myself.

To add photos to your comments look at the Help topic HERE.  Also, feel free to contact me if you need help.


sally orgren

Yes, we love our Structos and they DO make good TV looms!

EllenR (not verified)

Hey all, there's a 2 harness on Etsy right now. It's been there for awhile so maybe folks don't know that occasionally Structos show up there.