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Paulz, if you click on Ozark Weavers picture above you'll bounce to their info page.  They have some projects posted on their loom renovation.  Enjoy!

pine tree (not verified)

I have just inherited this loom and am reassembling.  Inadequate info from Janet Meany's assembly manual.  Request advice.  Some repairs were done to it and more are needed.  The metal ribbon on metal drums is sprung.   The middleof the ribbon is welded to a bolt on the frame.  The spring is stretched out and has a metal cord attached to the middle of it that goes to the foot release pedel.  How does this work ?  Replace spring?  Devise new mechanism?  How reduce slipping of metal ribbon on metal drum?

There are more concerns but this is the first major one.  Can you assist?  Thanks

TheLoominary (not verified)

Hello pine tree, there is a good thread discussion on this problem at: "Thought Products Cassandra Loom brake system" in Weavolution forums.See if it is of some help, Frank 


I got an Erica 25" rigid heddle loom in it's original box at a yard sale, but there is no documentation. I'm not sure all the parts are there. Does anyone have the old original manual?