I got my new Lilla loom (and first floor loom ever - previous weaving was RH or tablet) warped this weekend and I was able to weave on it!  I had two small errors in the heddles which I was able to fix and also missed two dents in the reed (I am assuming those will close up some when I wet finish), but I was actually making fabric this weekend and I am thrilled!

I also went to the local weaving guilds auction and sale (people clean out their stashes and donate to the guild to sell) and came home with 50lbs of wool yarn and several weaving books.  I now officially have a weaving "stash".  :-)

Pic below of my new loom with FABRIC on it!  Have more pics of my messy warping project at my blog here: http://awanderingelf.weebly.com/a-wandering-elfs-journey.html




Sounds like you had a fun and productive weekend - She is a lovely loom!


You have yourself a fine looking loom. Glad your enjoying it.

jemwork (not verified)

Lilly's a beauty - you have years of pleasent weaving ahead of you.  

On your blog you mentioned draw-in, a paper-clip template (need to know more on that) & floats. Sometimes you can add extra weight to the end floats, that will help keep the selvedge even.

ryashani (not verified)

The paper clip temple is described on the Woolgatherers site.  Hans told me about it when we were placing the order for the loom.

I had issues with floats this summer when I was doing twill on the rigid heddle, so I used the floating selvage on this to eliminate them.  It is working nicely.  My draw-in, well, that's totally just me and I am slowly getting a better hang of how much yarn to leave in the shed before beating it.


Congrats on your weekend.  You must have had a lot of fun.  

Jemwork, go to Sara von Tresckow and there is a weighted temple plan.