Found this loom online and would like any info...what make????...Glim or Oxa......




steve104c (not verified)

Looks just like mine. I have a 47" Glimakra Standard. How much are they asking for it? If you need  info. you really need to contact Joann with GlimakraUSA.

jlread (not verified)

The bench is attached.....????  Is that customary on a Glim?  Also it seems to be a vertical countermarch.


jlread (not verified)

Here's another view of this loom..

Dawn McCarthy

Could it be an Oxabak?  Maybe the older Glims came with this type of bench (like the Harrisville rug loom bench).  Are the lams different lengths top & bottom?  Do the treadles have eye hooks on them?


Dawn McCarthy

Looks Like a Glimakra and they can come with vertical cm, maybe the bench was an addition by a previous owner?

Looks decent.


jlread (not verified)

I have no idea about anything on the treadles....if its a vertical the lams are different sizes...and I think ..for's a vertical...These are the only pix I have...what do you think about the # of shafts....looks like 4>8?


Dawn McCarthy

looks like 4 to me - however some people strip down their cm looms when not using shafts.  If it is a REALLY good price looks like extra lams/shaft bars could be purchased/retro-fitted easily.  There is a nice 8 shaft cm on ebay via ARTS studio in PA - starting bid $599 and looks complete!


jlread (not verified)

Send me the link....can't find it!!!!

Joanne Hall

Yes, it is a Glimakra.  The attached bench was available until the 80s.  This loom is from 1975 or older.  And it does look like a vertical countermarch.  If all the parts are there, and even with four shafts it would be worth $1800 to $2500.  If there are more shafts and treadles and/or there are other Glimakra accessories, it could be worth more.


jlread (not verified)

Looks like there is room for a few more treadles and shafts...looking at the rear...bottom Xpiece...what do you think?...Are there still parts for this loom?

Joanne Hall

Yes, we have parts in stock for expanding the number of shafts and treadles for the Standard and Ideal looms.  And you can add any of the attachments to the older looms, even a drawloom.

The older Glimakra Standard looms can have up to 12 shafts and 12 treadles.  Beyond that the parts are made thinner to sit closer together.  These can go up to 16 shafts and treadles.


jlread (not verified)

One more question...looking at the pix of this loom...there is some sort of "beam" directly above the beater...any clue?