I was there just for two days, but wow, was there ever a lot of interesting stuff to see and learn!

The amazing work people brought to show off was ... stunning. Beautiful weaving, knitting, felting, everything you can think of.

It was a great experience for me - the first time I've been to a fibre festival, and I learned quite a few neat things.

Anyone else here who was there?


naturalfibres (not verified)

I wasn't able to go this year.  What courses did you take?

TwistofFate (not verified)

I was there from Saturday - Wednesday, well Friday to Thursday really.  I am the volunteer co-ordinator for the merchant mall, and the sponsor for the hospitaity area so I'm pretty much thre for the duration, but don't generally manage to make it to any classes.

I had a great time, as usual and was, again as usual, blown away by the finished projects in the fashion show and all the great stuff donated to the silent auction.

I walked away from the auction with a bale of cotton.  I love my bale of cotton.  And I was in the group that won the Llama Spin in challenge:):)  I never win anything so that was exciting !

dragondancer (not verified)

I attended from Friday to Wednesday, doing a bit of volunteering and weaving a tapestry on my Mirrix Loom.  I've attended in various capacities, but I found it's lots of fun to go and just "hang out."