another ph variable. Light! I spent all morning in artificial light trying to get my ph right. I was following my process but to no avail!.What was different?I went over everything! I must have have had two dozen ph strips all ;the wrong color. Then the sun came up and I saw that my process was right, the original measurements were right on. Oh, beware the light box, it plays tricks on your color! Another lesson learned, make sure the light source is not drastically different than originally used.


Mary Rios (not verified)

thanks for sharing this - might save me the trouble!


pjdoney (not verified)

That'a good reminder, Cathie.  I was doing Munsell notation last night for my not-so-olive green and was amazed at how the color changed under the incandescent lightbulbs in the dining room!  I went back out in the studio with the correct lighting.