

sally orgren

I like how you posted this with the draft and swatch. Great idea!


<p>I recently got some old OHS bulletins from another weaver and&nbsp; saved the original page because I knew I wanted to try it sometime. I loved the little X's!&nbsp; Their original sample was in linen and it's unwashed, so it was a surprise to me to see what happened when mine was washed.&nbsp; I used mill end cotton as the warp; mill end means it is more loosely spun than regular cotton, but mine was the same size as 2/8 so I just set it at 24 epi. And I used three colours in the warp, instead of two.</p>

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Publication Date
March 1979
Source Title
Ontario Handweavers and Spinners Bulletin
This Draft is from