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<p>Please help.&nbsp; What is wrong with this draft?&nbsp; It's supposed to be a 6-shaft "triple weave" - more like interlaced layers than three layers of fabric.&nbsp; I've woven this pattern on a regular/manual 8-shaft Schacht and have a swatch, so I know the basic pattern makes what I want, but I just need to get the AVL to do it.</p><p>I running a test on the back 6 shafts of my 40-shaft AVL and this draft (attached as .jpg) is lifting the front 34 shafts and none of the back six.&nbsp; I don't see a way to set the "used" shafts to #35-40, so I made the draft to show all 40.&nbsp; Is there a way to do that?</p><p>I'd
appreciate any suggestions because I'm flummoxed. I haven't used this software (WeaveMaker) in a long time so I'm going on what I remember.&nbsp; I didn't include a .wif because this draft is a .wmd file (not a recognized extension).&nbsp; Many thanks in advance.</p>


tien (not verified)

What version is your WeaveMaker and what version Compudobby do you have?  If your WeaveMaker is older than the Compudobby and not upgraded, it may not be communicating properly with the loom.  That would be my first guess....I'm guessing you have a Compudobby III or IV since the 40 shaft looms are fairly recent.  CD IV is pretty new and not all the software makers support it.


Hi Tien -

I have the CD3 - and WM 8.3.5 is on the PC controlling the loom.  I also have WM 8.4.4 on this PC and am going to try that upgraded version on the other PC.  I haven't checked yet to see what version WeaveMaker is up to lately, but I will. 

So, you don't see anything wrong with the draft?


tien (not verified)

I don' t know enough about the draft to say one way or another, but if you've woven the draft before successfully, and the shafts are misbehaving as you describe, it sounds very much like a Compudobby - computer issue rather than a draft problem.  Have you used the Compudobby with this version of WeaveMaker before? and did it behave?


I used the draft before on my mechanical loom so the draft weaves correctly.  I expanded the draft to try to use it on my AVL to account for the 40 shafts.  I have not woven this on the AVL before.

Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

I have friends with 40-shaft AVL looms. Sometimes they use the front 32 or 36 shafts, leaving the last few empty or using them for neat edges. I don't know anybody who has treaded only the last few shafts. It is easier to thread the first shafts and easier to watch them while weaving. Maybe AVL did not think that anybody would do this? I have a 24-shaft AVL and a 16-shaft AVL and have never warped only the last shafts. Generally I am eager to use all the shafts possible so I can have more different designs on the same warp and also to have smoother curves and more details with woven imagery, etc. I sit in front of my loom while threading the heddles. I arrange my threading so the most-often-used shafts are in the front of the loom.

Bonnie Inouye

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles