(Who is the target audience for this flyer?? members advertisers??Do we need a different flyer for both members and advertisers? Karren’s Guideline doc could become the basis of a flyer to members (could also be posted on Weavo).

(inc logo + tag line)

 Confront your fiber fears and turn your fear into fun!

The start of our Halloweave 2011 event will coincide with Spinning & Weaving week October 3-9, and finish with a’Show and Tell’  on Halloween October 31.

Weavo textile enthusiasts can form into Teams around a chosen topic. Set your own goal, be your own judge, join in the fun.

 Prizes will be awarded each week, some at random, some to team members who meet their personal goals. Finally, a Grand Prize will be awarded by popular vote at the end of Halloweave.(will we have a grand prize, or lots of small ones?)