
sally orgren

Her workshop is incredible, isn't it?!

But you have been posting some amazing rep weave samples for some time now (because they always catch my eye when you post!), so did you learn anything new in the workshop?

Spectacular piece! Any chance we'll get to see your work in a future issue of Handwoven or at Convergence this summer?

repweaver (not verified)

Yes, I did pick up new ideas at the workshop. As a bonus, it is always a treat to spend time weaving with friends.

Would love to say yes on the Convergence question but no, neither I nor my work will be there.

I will have several pieces on display at the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle, Washington. Opening night is March 8, 2012. My guild, the Seattle Weavers' Guild, is arranging the exhibit in celebration of our 75th anniversary year.

Finished Length Unit
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Length on Loom Unit

After a weekend Rep Weave workshop with Rosalie Neilson, I came home and wove this little runner using a combination of two block designs from her handouts and my own color arrangement. It will be interesting to see how well the Cavandoli Knotted fringe holds.

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