
aubeweave (not verified)

Grats. Warming colors and greate building of the pattern in your shawl. Love the colors changing. Must try the deflected doubleweave


Again, another stunning design! Did I see that you're teaching deflected double weave at Convergence? That alone would make me want to go:)

elisabethhill (not verified)

Thank you all for such nice words!  I will be teaching at Convergence, Cathie, and I would LOVE to see some friendly Weavo faces there.  I am obsessed with this weave structure - please stop me before I deflect again . . . If you are interested in doing a project, Madelyn van der Hoogt did a great How-to in Handwoven.  I think is was Jan/Feb 2007.

Ellen (not verified)

That's absolutely gorgeous! Too bad Convergence is so far away.


This is just gorgeous. Definately something to aspire to. 

lkautio (not verified)

Pretty, thanks for sharing!

Laurie Autio

elisabethhill (not verified)

Thanks for such nice feedback!

B P (not verified)

Such a jaunty combination of pattern and colour...and beautifully woven!

Thanks for posting the pics.


elisabethhill (not verified)

Ha! I will now think of is as the Jaunty Bamboo Shawl - so much better than Red Bamboo.  Thanks for the comment.


It's me again. I'm just loving your designs and wonder where you draw your inspirations from? I'm always interested about that, weather it's play, ethnic, nature?

elisabethhill (not verified)

What a great question Cathie.  I haven't really thought much about the source of inspiration.  I think it must be a myriad of sources.  A beautiful yarn, a friend's jacket, a museum exhibit, a desire for new handtowels, an intriguing weave structure, an article in Handwoven and on and on.  It looks like that must be true for you as well, your poignant narrative tapestry, your experimental seersucker, your abstract tapestry . . . what inspires you? Thanks for giving me something to think about as I sew apron binding today!

francorios (not verified)

Wow! It reminds me of graffiti and doodles.

I like it!

Have a good day!

elisabethhill (not verified)

I like it!  Woven graffiti - something like yarn bombing . . .

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

A Bamboo shawl/scarf woven in Deflected doubleweave.  

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit