

I really like your piece and found your mounting process most interesting. I've just started exploring that myself with small tapestries. If you go to the American Tapestry Alliance website articles there is an excellent one by Tommye Scanlin about mounting. Just another way. At any rate I think you've done a super job with all aspects of the piece. How was the show?

tommye scanlin

Suzy... the mounting of the piece looks quite effective. A whole wall of "After..." pieces in similar sizes would be just wonderful. What a great potential for a series you've got going on. Didn't you have an "After Kandinsky" piece earlier? Tommye

memphisweaver (not verified)

This piece is just lovely! And thank you so much for explaining how you mounted it. That has always been a dilemma. Your way looks great and seems very effective.

suzyhok (not verified)

Thanks everyone! I too found Tommye's wonderful explanation of mounting on her blog. Of course for some reason I didnt find it until AFTER I came up with this idea. Tommye... You are such an inspiration! I agree with you... a group of these will be very interesting. For my "After..." series I started with with my favorites... the teachers of the Bauhaus: Kandinsky, Albers.... Klee, Moholy-Nagy, Feininger, Itten and of course the women Anni Albers, Gunta Stolzl will follow. What fun!
Finished Length Unit
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Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I wanted to create an art piece for our Landings Art Association’s Gift of Art Show at the Plantation. This piece was the end of a thick and thin cotton and linen warp. I used a variety of my handspun yarns as weft. In order to create the line drawing, I stretched the cloth on 9x9 inch canvas stretchers and then stitched into it with black wool/mohair blend yarn. I outlined the small square with stitches and then created a warp of the yarns and needle wove into it to create the woven square. I did not like the edges of the woven piece showing on the stretcher so I added some black ultra suede to cover them… Right side against the stretcher wood, a piece of cardboard the size of the wooden stretcher side stapled down on top of the cardboard. Then I folded the ultra suede over the cardboard and pulled it to the back of the stretcher and stapled it. it created a nice frame effect, but I wanted a mat-like look. I purchased some 1/4 inch plywood and had Home Depot cut it 13x13 and spray painted it black. I tacked it to the back of the stretchers with 1/2 inch brads. because I wanted the piece to stand out from the wall I covered 2 inch by inch foam core pieces with some ultra suede and hot glued it together and to the back of the piece. Displaying handwoven art pieces is ALWAYS a challenge.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
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