
B P (not verified)

Your Saori woven banner positively sizzles with energy!

I bet you had good fun weaving.


LaughingLark (not verified)

I love this weaving. Very inspiring. Now I want to run to my loom and try a wall hanging. 

FancyFibersTexas (not verified)

Thanks for taking so many pictures.  I love your wall hanging.  It inspires me to weave hangings for all of my walls and thereby transform my space into something peaceful and calm.


crismera (not verified)

Me encanta su bandera, tiene mucha energia.Un saludo,Cristina

crismera (not verified)

Me encanta su bandera, tiene mucha energia.Un saludo,Cristina

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
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Length on Loom Unit

This is my first Saori Style Weaved Wall hanging, I used, Navy Blue “I love this Yarn”, French Blue “I Love this Yarn”, Lion Brand “Eyelash Yarn” with Flags in it in Turquoise, Lion Brand “Moonlight Mohair” in Multi-color, Purple, and Green Colorways, For the Warp, and everything I had in my Scrap Yarn bag for the Weft. 
I used 
two freshly cut Plum Tree Branches for hanging the Shawl. I weaved on a vintage Mother of Pearl button to represent the Sun, and another vintage button that sits atop the hill, the button has leaves on it so I thought it was a good representation of a tree…in keeping with the fruit tree branches that it’s hanging from. Also, I used wooden heart beads to dangle from a string of wooden beads on each side of the main branch.  The banner is lashed by winding what was left of my mohair yarn around everything to keep the banner and beads in place.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit