
crosstownshuttler (not verified)

Ooh, pretty! Love your warp.


miryam-chavah (not verified)

thank you Carie :)

i had originally just planned to do a simple little low-key brown/black headscarf... but i'd blended each section as i went along, and by the time i'd gotten into that second light-rusty-brown and realised what it was making me think of, i realised "okay i'm doomed, where is that red?" haha ;) so much for plans....

sally orgren

Is your warp board 1 yard across, or 1/2 yard? I am thinking if it is 1 yard across, you are working on a 7 yard warp here! I love it that you thought to photograph the warping process. I am inspired. I'll do the same on my next project, although I am not sure my colors are going to be as vibrant—


miryam-chavah (not verified)

thank you for the compliment Sally ♥ :) this is actually the underside of my Kromski Fiddle rigid-heddle loom (only an itty-bitty thing!).. the sizing is probably distorted a little in the pic, its only 4 yds of warp...

i've been cut-off from most of my looms (they are all in storage) so i've been limited to this little rigid-heddle guy and weaving most everything tabby and its making me go hog-wild and buy a ton of pretty pearl cottons to warp with haha ;)

sally orgren

Love the weaving image update and seeing it on the loom now! Is it as much fun to weave as it looks in the photos?


missbeckyohh43 (not verified)

Lovely color blends!!  w

miryam-chavah (not verified)

thank you Sally... i think it might be more "fun" once i am able to get more of it out of my head and here in my hands ;) for now it just has that anxious-itchy feeling to it where i look at what little i have woven so far and think "more thread! i need MORE!!" haha ;)

miryam-chavah (not verified)

thank you Miss Becky :)

SunriseLodgeFi… (not verified)

I love the color combination!  Beautiful....and it looks fabulous on you! :D 

miryam-chavah (not verified)

thank  you Sunrise ;)


Really beautiful work, and I love your color choices!  Followed the link here from your little Kindle cover, and must say you have most certainly inspired this new weaver... Thanks for sharing.

JacQueline Keller

I love it!  I really like how they blend. 

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

this warp is a bit narrow, about 7 inches... i warped it a bit gradually/unevenly so that the bands of colors blended a little into one another... the black & wine bamboos are warped one thread per dent, and the brown & rust are 2 per dent.... weaving entire length of this warp in tabby weave with the brown pearl cotton as weft...

plan to re-warp the loom with same threads, similar patterning, and weave those lengths with the rusty-cotton and then possibly rewarping 3rd time to weave with wine/burgandy but not sure i will go that far, we'll see..... if i do, i'm going to not use the satin-bamboo as weft (its too heavy to do what i want) will substitute probably another thin pearl cotton in its place....



Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Warp Yarn
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit