
sally orgren

One of my guildmates is one of your fans (and I believe she'll be visiting you again this summer!)

She demonstrated this technique (Omphamta) to our guild using a table loom, and it was a very memorable experience for me. I don't want to say I couldn't believe how simple it was, because that might be misleading to some newbie weavers. But let's just say it wasn't nearly as difficult to comprehend as I originally thought, especially when you see someone explain the basics on a simple little *table* loom!

Now, just to find some time to tie-up some long-eye heddles and dig up a few sticks... ;- )

Thanks so much for posting and keeping the awareness level up for these interesting techniques. Little gems like this definitely expand the weaving journey for many of us "intermediate" weavers out there!

STwist (not verified)

Hi There:

Becky Ashenden, weaver extraordinaire, is the one who keeps all of the looms dressed in Vavstuga's studio.  Every once in a while I get out to the studio to "help" but it truly is Becky's unique approach to weaving that inspires us all.

Thank you for your kind words.  Let the weaving journey continue for us all!

Joanne Hall

Hi Sally,

I tried this on a table loom and it did not work.  What brand of table loom was this demonstrated on?


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

The warp for this project was provided by Vavstuga Swedish Weaving in Shelburne Falls, MA.  The copyright draft is not available. 

The first set of shafts were set up as 10-shafts on countermarch and the plain weave was set up on counter balance.  When I first looked at the set up of the combination of countermarch and counterbalance I thought "Oh my".  The sheds were excellent and the weaving was slow going but a breeze. 

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit