Hello everyone!

I am working on building my own countermarche loom with my father back in Pennsylvania when I head home for holidays. I was wondering if someone had a countermarche here in the Austin, TX area. I would like to see one work, maybe even weave a pick or two and take a measurement or two. I would also appreciate anyone  would could help me with loom building tips. I read the other threads and such about the few of you who have built a countermarche and was wondering if you had any tips or things you widh you had done differently.


Thanks in advance for your help! I am very excited to get started.



I will be using similar maple from NE Pennsylvania. Birdseye and curly maple mostly. Love how that looks with a little danish oil on it!


The flanges work well, your warp can't slip out the sides. I beam on with my reed so I use it like a raddle and at the sett I'm going the weave. You want it wound on nice and even across the width. :) I would give some thought as to how to set up your flanged beam to weave up to the heddles, otherwise you have extra wastage there unless you improvise like I do and others that use flanges. I would not flange your main beam. I made mine (main beam) octagon, so I can attach my sectional dividers.


I was worried about the threads digging down into themselves though the layers but it doesnt sound like that is a problem for you.


Do you beam with a lot of tension?


I use good tension to beam. I usually handle the warp myself and have someone turn the handle of the beam. My main reason is to use the beam for yarns at different tension like pile, warp cord and such, so it's sometimes slacker or a little tighter depending on the weave structure.


Lots of folks are always worried about sectionals to, afraid layers will cut down below. I've woven a 32 yard warp of linen and never had that happen.


Good to hear that they work. no flanges on main beam...right. i would need a hundred different aprons or sticks


Does any one know what the measurement is for the treadles to the harness ?


Be sure to pick out your prettiest wood and put it where you'll see it and touch it often.  My AVL has  a birdseye beater cap with a Brazilian cherry handle for the shuttle box changer, which I appreciate every time I use it.


fly shuttle can be added to the loom you are building. just make provisions to bolt it on to the ends of the beater you currently have. Why reinvent the wheel?


fly shuttle can be added to the loom you are building. just make provisions to bolt it on to the ends of the beater you currently have. Why reinvent the wheel?