Hi there,

I have a new project coming up and I'm hoping to pick some brains!  I'm working in straight draw (12 harnesses) with a fairly hefty cotton warp (3.75/3).  The weft is also cotton, slightly lighter than the warp (3.75/2).  My goal is to explore as many textural options as I can within these constraights.  I have "An Album of Textile Designs" by Thomas R. Ashenhurst, so that's a good place to start-- but I was wondering if anyone has any good advice or thoughts on creating heavily textured weaves on straight draw, with similar warp and weft yarns.  In my previous experience, the warp yarn puffs up a bit more when washed than the weft yarn does, so that's something to consider.

Thanks!  Looking forward to this conversation...


Erica J

Are you working on a table loom, computerized loom or floor loom? If you have a treadle restriction, what is it? Also do you have any drafting software?


Hi Erica!  I'm using an Ashford table loom, so the treadling for me would be the liftplan, right?  I have an old version of fiberworks to use for drafting, but it doesn't have much in terms of fabric simulation (just the most basic).  Thanks, I'll have to check out that group!