I have wanted to weave a shadow weave project for quite some time! I have a sample warp all measured and waiting to go on the loom. I'd like to host a weave a long to motivate myself and others to tackle (or enjoy again) shadow weave! If you are interestd, comment here to let me know what month would be good for you!



I have also long been interested in trying this structure again. I wove one scarf two years ago but "something went wrong" in my understanding of the treadling; the scarf is interesting (I'll post a picture later) but doesn't resemble the draw down at all! Of course, I couldn't stick to the "keep it simple, stupid" rule, either, and played too much with color. Would love a weave-along to keep me motivated and focused. Given the name, would it fit into a Halloweave Group? (Am reminded of "Dark Shadows", etc)

Erica J

We could do it as part of Halloweave for sure. I like Dark Shadows! I'm up for waht works for those who are interested!


I'm just a beginner but I'd like to join. I want to learn about shadow weaves and this seems like a fun way to do it.


I'm just a beginner but I'd like to join. I want to learn about shadow weaves and this seems like a fun way to do it.