I have never owned a computer loom, but I am intersted in buying one. 24-32 harnesses. Not too wide - maybe 24"-30" wide. I have an 8-harness loom and I have worked on Jacquard looms. What's the best loom to buy? Thanks. [email protected] 



I have an AVL, and I really like electronic loom control. If I had my first choice, I would put a Toika control box on my 12 shaft Lervad. The AVL was a very good deal, and has worked well for me. The Toika control box costs more than the entire AVL, plus a lot of extras. However, the AVL is a large (60") jack loom, and lifting a wide warp is work. AVL does offer air and electric lifts, which I may explore. In the size you are looking for, this wouldn't be a concern. I suggest you look at what is available, and if you can, go to a dealer or to a conference, like Convergence, where you can see several.


Thanks! I should also say that I would absolutely love to have a TC2 Jacquard loom some day... but until that day comes (and it may never come!), I may try a small computer loom... 

Sara von Tresckow

Maybe you should look into a drawloom.