Greetings all, My grandmother used a Nadeau loom for years until her death in 2004. We couldn't find a buyer and I'm afraid the loom itself ended up on the trash heap -- which may have been just as well because it hadn't been used much in the several years prior and as I remember was pretty well broken. Anyway the things I somehow ended up with were these books: (1) _Instruction Book_ from Hand Skill Looms & Supplies, copyright 1953. There's a picture of the Nadeau on the first pages, and the first page marked as page 1 memorably begins "This is an advanced loom. It requires new technique and application. You would hesitate to drive a 1953 car model in the same manner as you drove your Model T." (2) A shorter booklet which seems to be titled "The Nadeau System of Handweaving." Inserted in this one are 3 one-page tutorials (for lack of a better word). Judging by the font, these are a lot more recent, and not a part of the Nadeau stuff. (3) "Warping All By Yourself" by Cay Garrett, c. 1974. (4) "A Handweaver's Pattern Book" by Marguerite Davison, c. 1977 (19th printing of the revised edition). Those last two will doubtless be familiar to many in this group. The Internet tells me that #4 is a standard text. All or some of the above are free to whomever wants them. Although I admire the art, I know nothing about weaving and have no plans to take it up. It would be great if someone out there could make use of these books. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. And if this group or site isn't the appropriate place to post this, please let me know. Thanks, Jesse


[email protected]

Janet Meany's site lists a 53 page manual but it is not clear that your historically valuable documents duplicate what she already makes available to weavers.  the weaving museum in Clayton NY and the Textile Museum library at George Washington University also come to mind. 

Not being familiar with the loom, I just searched on line and enjoyed learning about the unusual loom design.  Fascinating design.

Your grandmother was a very interesting woman.





She was very interesting indeed, thank you! Thanks a lot for those suggestions, I'll look up those locations. Much appreciated! Jesse

sally orgren

Jesse, There is a Nadeau loom group at Yahoo groups. Many of the materials have been scanned and are available, so there might not be much monetary value in these publications, but they certainly are interesting!