Was curious if anyone had upgraded a Leclerc Artisat 4H to an 8H with the kit they sell but a little further thought and investigation only proved that it would be a pretty silly expenditure when it costs only $530 less than a brand new 8H Artisat! I could easily buy a new Harrisville student loom for $300 less than the kit, in fact. If you read my post and have info to relay, I'm still curious but sort of expect that no one has bothered to ever buy the kit. Cynically wondering if it's priced to encourage buying a new loom instead!



It depends on your finances and time. For some people, the time needed to install the new shafts might not be worth the $530 savings. However, I don't know how much assembly new Leclerc looms take; if a new loom requires a lot of assembly, it might be a considerable savings of time and money to add the kit to an existing loom. I have met several people that will not use Harrisville looms because they see the jack action using cords and pulleys as problematic.


I actually have a very old, well used Harrisville 4H student loom and have had less trouble with it than with the Leclerc's uneven sheds, although I guess the kit includes an upgrade to the treadle system with rear hinged "rockers" that are supposed to solve that. It's another thing I wouldn't mind hearing about from someone that has them or has done the upgrade. More to weigh out.

tommye scanlin

I did an upgrade to 8 shafts on a 4 shaft Artisat I owned in the late 1970s. Wasn't too hard and the cost was OK... of course, that was 30+ years ago. But was what I could afford then to get the 8 shafts. I used the loom a lot before selling it after owning it for 10 or 12 years. Now, years later, I've had many other looms--buying them, then moving them along. Some I've sold, others I've donated. But that first Artisat holds a special place in my heart since it was my first floor loom. I'm neither recommending you add the shaft kit or not... just relaying my experience! Tommye


I'm still on the fence. That special place in my heart is for my Schacht Counterbalance for the same reason, first floor loom, bought it at auction without even knowing how to weave and never looked back! It will be a sad, sad day when I find myself parting with it. There are features I like about the Artisat I picked up later and features I don't...am trying to weigh out all factors. Knowing that someone else successfully navigated the kit is useful info, thanks. I may end up donating this loom, myself, if I don't upgrade as I know someone starting to teach out of her home as our last weaving shop closes (sad times!). That would feel good! Again, thanks!