While weaving today, I was notiing all the little thigns that make my weaving go well and smoothly these days. I know tthere is a huge amount of knowledge here on Weavolution. I know we as a community have a great deal to share. I'd like to start by asking your advice.

At this point, I think a new group for sharing advice would be the way forward. We may take this beyond a group in the future, but I think a group is a good place to start. I'm writing this post to ask for suggestions for the group name and how to organize the foumr posts under which we will share our knowledge. Please post suggested group names and organizational methods here!

Happy Weaving,




How about https://weavolution.com/group/thats-good-idea-helpful-hints-tips-good-ideas-weavers ?

(Group Created Tue, 09/29/2009 - 10:43am, according to its start page)

If a new group should be formed, perhaps "new" could be included in the name. However, making a new group means there will be yet one more group to browse through, when looking for a good place to post something...

Erica J


Thank you for pointing out that a group already exsists! I would suggest a new name though. What do you all think? I may well actually move this post over there to keep continuity. 

Also do people have any suggestions for organiing the information? I feel like if we have distinc forum topics in the group that it will be easier for weavers to find the advice they need!

Missus T.

Hi Erica,

A strong title is worth a lot in terms of communication, organization, and, later, searching.  A lot of times on the internet, people use an informal style and don't think a title is too important, but maybe using a good post title in the "subject" line could provide just the right amount of information and assist with helping people to quickly find what they search for.  This could work even if all the helpful advice posts are lumped together in one thread.   And how easy it would be to encourage strong titles!!!

[email protected]

The Macomber group has been one of the most enduring.  I hoped to revive the Gallinger Group --did not gain traction although I have since thought about more generic counterbalance group. Confusion between group and forum was not helped by redirection to groups. Perhaps a forum is a place where groups meet -- perhaps by type of product. I think of tips and tricks framed by those two axes. 


Maybe: What Works? Tips and Tricks? Things like, taping a nut to a treadle you have trouble finding or differentiating from its neighbor will make your treadling faster.