What is your favorite way to learn? I think we all love going to in person classes, but those are quite expensive and often tmes invovle a lot of travel and time off. At the end of the day there are only so many. So what other resources do you use to learn? Do you prefer video classes, like those we host, because you can go back, pause, and rewatch? I know I've been done a lot of that with Daryl's Color & Inspiration class and Becky Ashden's Drawloom video!

Once you practice a technique and learn how it works, do you love to explore? What things do you change? How do you push the envelope with your weaving?



As a novice, the Craftsy class with Janet Dawson blew me away with its depth and breadth of information. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I also purchased a few digital videos from Interweave that have been helpful and of good quality. Finally, reading through back issues of Handwoven has given me many "lightbulb" moments. What I am curious about, is recommendations for next steps to learn and explore once you understand the basics. There are so many things to learn!

Erica J

Kristin, You mention many great resources. When I started learning to weave my mother, our "local" guild (which was nearly an hour away), and Handwoven were the best resources I had available! It is amazing that I now have the honor or helping provide this great resource (Weavolution) to new weavers! I know most of the time I am looking for answers about weaving, I find them here on Weavolution! If you have any questions about finding information here, I'd love to answer them. I'd be interested to know if you have looked at any of the < a href="https://weavolution.com/classes">Weavolution Classes and what you think about them. Please feel free to contact me privately on that front! I would also recommend Peggy Osterkemp's website, https://peggyosterkamp.com/, and Amelia Garipoldi's site, http://www.askthebellwether.com/! I have also found the Weaver's Journals, available for download here, to be a huge help in really delving into topics without having to borrow or buy books!


Thank you for pointing me in the direction of these resources! I am excited to explore.