I have a macomber 20 harness B-4 loom which I purchased used.  I have a warp on the back beam, and when I push on the brake release (front right), the beam does not release as it should, so I cannot advance the warp without going to the back and while depressing the front break (quite a stretch) manually move the beam.  I've included pictures. I do not know if the cable is wound properly on the back beam or if something is too tight, so I don't know what to do to solve the issue.  MAC whisperers...any help to solve would be appreciated!

macomber brake


Michael White

Looks like you may have one too many turns of cable around the back beam. There should be 3 turns and I see four and everything looks like it is jamed on the beam.What happens when you push down on the brake release?  Stand on the side and use your hand and watch the drum.


Hi Michael,

I wondered about too much cable.  When I depress the brake release, the cable loosens, but I have to manually move the beam crank to release more warp.  As an experiment, I manually removed one loop of the cable and the beam moves freely.  Having not done this before, do I merely shorten the cable down to three wraps and see if that does the trick?   

Michael White

I would not cut anything at this time but I would try the three turns. Lossen the screws on one cable clamp and pull the excess cable. Retighten the clamp and give it a try. On a friction brake the cable needs to be tight enough that the beam does not turn untill you depress the brake release. I am thinking the cable was long because the beam was in a different location?


Hi Michael,

  Your are brilliant!!  I did as suggested and reduced the wrap to three, did not cut the cable, and it works perfectly!  As long as the excess cable doesn't get in the way, I'm not going to cut it and just see how things go.   

