Apologies, first. I'm a novice and there is so much to learn! I would like to weave the Moscow Nights tea towels from March/April 2015 Handwoven. The project calls for 8/2 cottolin. I have quite a lot of 8/2 cotton I need to use and cannot afford to purchase the cottolin right now. I see from the master yarn chart these yarns have the same yd/lb but very different meters/kg and I don't understand that at all. Would I need to make changes to sett (or anything else, for that matter!) to use 8/2 unmercerized cotton in place of 8/2 cottolin?


Thank you!




It looks like there is an error in the listing for 8/2 cottolin.  1 meter is about 1.1 yards, roughly the same.  1 kilogram is about 2.2 pounds, roughly double.  So, for any fiber, the ratio of meters/kilogram should be roughly twice the ratio of yards/pound.  In this case, the master yarn chart says that 3,360 yd/lb is equivalent to 1,397 m/kg.  That simply makes no sense.  

Even though a yarn has the same weight/unit length as another, it might be fluffier or denser or vary in some other way.  Swatching is a good way to make sure that everything will work well, whether you are substituting fibers (or colors).  


Thank you! It didn't seem right to me but I assumed I just wasn't understanding something. I will definitely do a swatch as you suggest.