I have not yet mastered consistent warp tension, but the Bambu 12 warp I put on recently seemed like my best ever. I was really pleased--until the threads started popping. I've lost at least 15, and I'm only halfway through the huck lace scarf I'm weaving. I usually find a broken end tangled in my reed, but sometimes I see a single doomed ply hanging on while its mate shrivels up...  Does this sound like uneven tension, or maybe heddle abrasion?  Or do I have some bad Bambu?  It certainly seems flimsy. I really hope it's not the Bambu--I have several cones waiting to be used. 

I'd appreciate any thoughts. This is driving me nuts. 



I'm not familiar with bambu 12.  What kind of yarn is this?  Does it have enough twist to stand up as warp?   I have used bamboo yarns as weft, but I have always felt that it is a little too prone to abrasion to use as warp.


Thanks for responding. I think you've hit it. The twist on this is awful--it's barely twisted at all. Ive had reasonable luck with heavier bamboo as a weft, but this is very limp--hence what will probably be the great drape. I guess I'll slog painfully through this and reserve the Bambu 12 for wefts in the future. 


More on Bambu 12:




More on Bambu 12:




More on Bambu 12:




I just finished a very long warp for multiple baby blankets using Bambu 12 from Cotton Clouds.  1200 ends sett 30 epi.  I just measured the twist at about 3/16", so yes it is loose.  However, I think I only had about 6-8 threads that broke and I had to repair.  Moderately tight tension on a 44 inch Kessenich loom that has tex-solv heddles. I used a weighted clip temple because of the very fine threads.  The weft was Bambu 7 with the Bambu 12 as tabby.   This was a pattern by Robin Lynde from Handwoven.
If memory serves correctly, some of the broken threads seemed to have been very thin at the point of the break.  But was that due to it catching somehow and getting pulled to tight? I don't know.  Some I know were caused by some excessive twisting when I beamed the warp - sort of got snarled up.


You might try using a warp dressing to cut down the abrasion. Do you have Texsolve or steel heddles. I used dilute water soluble white glue for sizing on a silk/wool warp that had abrasion issues.


I have metal heddles, which probably doesn't help. Using Bambu 7 for the warp seems like a good idea, though I like the lighter weight of 12 on 12. I will check for weak places as I wind the warp. 

I love the idea of the wash to strengthen the threads.