Hi, I am thinking of trading in my Louet Hollandia for an Octado mechanical dobby loom. As I am "maturing", its getting more difficult to tie the treadles up. Anyone with knowledge/advice on this loom?



You may want to look into a 20+ from Woolhouse tools. This moves the tie up to panel on the back of the loom. I can tie up my 8 shaft CM in about 15 minutes,sitting in a chair behind the loom. I have never used a mechanical dobby; I have one, but the thought of wrenching all those pegs into place (I have heard that it is hard on your hands) dissuaded me. 20+ refers to adding 20 years of weaving life because you don't have to work on the floor to tie it up.


Why have I never used my mechanical dobby?  I bought a 1984 AVL that had been used with a mechanical dobby after the computer that ran the original Compudobby I died.  I reinstalled the CD I and ran it from a laptop with a serial port adapter.  The CD I lasted long enough for me to become addicted to computer controlled weaving (want a new tie up?  open a new file!)  I bit the bullet and bought CD IV from AVL.  Wonderful.


I have a Megado which is the big sister of the Octado - though I have the electonic dobby head. I really love it - and I find I use my Louet Spring less than I was doing, just because I love the Megado so much. 

The 20+ system won't fit the Hollandia (I asked if I could fit it to the Spring) as it only works on looms with rear hinged treadles. If you wanted it you'd have to sell the Hollandia and get a Louet Delta, which is more suitable for long legged weavers I understand!! Or leave Louet altogether and go to a rear-hinged CM loom. 

There are videos of the Octado online - and you can buy either an electronic or mechanicaly dobby head. In Europe right now both dobby heads are half price - check with your Louet dealer as to whether that's the case in the US.