I recently became the proud owner of a 45" 8 shaft Loomcraft loom but it only came with a 5 dent reed. I can't afford to purchase another reed right at this moment but really want to start my first weaving project. I don't know of any projects or drafts that require a 5 dent reed. If anyone know of anything that does it would be super helpful if you could share it. Thanks in advance!



If it were me I would do a plain weave project (napkins maybe) using 3/2 pearl cotton at 10epi. You can sleigh 2 threads in one dent. Something like this: https://www.yarn.com/products/valley-yarns-62-log-cabin-placemats-pdf Except at 10epi instead of 12.


Here is a link to a reed substitution chart.


You can do a lot with a 5 dent reed.