Are you planning to join Halloweave? Halloweave is a month long special event to motivate you to challenge yourself to push your weaving boundaries! There are 3 great Houses so far!

Active Arachnids, our longest standing Halloweave House for those who choose to challenge themselves to weave a little bit everyday!

Doctors Frankenstein- for those who want to get over their fear of seams in handwoven textiles!

Polo House- for those who want to go exploring!! Never fear you're only committing to one month's exploration, not 16 years, like Marco Polo. :)

Doe one or more of these sound intriguing, but you're not quite sure?

Maybe one of our prizes might entice you into joining! We have a copy of Tien Chu's Master your Craft book, a beautiful scarf kit from the Woolery, and a copy of Carol James's Sprang Unsprung book!


Joyce (not verified)

I just joined the Dr. Frankenstein house. There hasn't been much time weaving on my floor loom due to lots of travelling to TN for a family matter.  But I've gotten lots of squares woven off of my 2 pin looms and haven't joined any of them.  There's another trip to TN next week so more squares will be added to the pile!