Use this thread to list your weaverly plans for October. Do you have UFOs you are planning on getting off your looms, or perhaps you are going to use the time to get some presents done. Or maybe you have a project to plan. Let us know what is going on in your world. We are here to encourange, cheerlead, commiserate, give advice - asked for and unasked for,. . .  Weave on all!


Erica J

Weaving for presents, you read my mind!! I think I have enough warp left of the loom after weaving scarves for Oli J and TJ, to weave w scarf for my dad. I think he would really love to have a scarf woven by me. He's not really a scarf wearing kind of guy, but I think he would wear, or at least treasure, a scarf I wove just for him. :)


I'm warping my Walling for value gamp napkins (the Lunatic Fringe kit) and also about to embark on a tapestry skill-building study.  


My October will be super busy at work.  Nevertheless, I am planning to try sewing with handwoven fabric, and because of my time restraints, have shifted my thinking to using existing fabric.  So last night, I dove into my "to hem" box and found several treasures.  I need to wet finish some before I take the next step, but I also found a wool piece I wove maybe 20 years ago, to make a sofa pillow. I am now pretty excited.


I'm also busy this fall; I managed to over book myself at work pretty much through December.  For that reason I will not be participating in Halloweave (or Spinzilla, for that matter) this year.  I will be lurking and seeing what you all are up to, and weaving/wet finishing/etc. when I have an extra half hour or so. 


in a single bound because...

  1. Today I went to a lecture. I am not a Senior. The new label is Super Adult.
  2. Halloweave. So exciting. I will conquer my fear of joins and seams. This will allow me to weave the rugs and bags that enticed me to weaving.
  3. I will focus on creative simplicity when designing projects.
  4. Restroom emblem converted to Woman in cape


hemming for the first few days. Slowly wittling down my pile of unhemmed handwovens. I am hoping that by week 2 - 3 at the latest - I will be able to spend at least a few minutes a day on the floor loom and maybe even feel up to warping my rigid heddle.


You know, Endorph, there are other options.  My sewing involves cannabalizing two unhemmed dish towels.  


I would really like to finish weaving my tapestry, finish with a particular braid - I spent most of last night and a lot of this morning doing and undoing this blasted braid, and weave some more on my new-to-me Glimåkra.  That sounds like a lot, I hope I get to it.  I tend to get distracted easily:-)


a couple of my towels may become project bags for my knitting, and maybe a lunch bag too!

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