
I apologize for posting this in the For Sale/Trade group but I didn't know what other group would be appropriate.

I'm thinking about purchasing a smallish 8 shaft floor loom that I can grow old with.  My current thoughts are the 32" Macomber or Oxaback Lilla.  Yes, I know that the Macomber is a jack and the Lilla is a CM.  I'm looking for opinions on what loom would be easier on the aging body?  Please consider how easy it is to warp/tie up and treadle etc.

I currenlty own a 4 shaft CB but am selling to get an 8 shaft.



Sara von Tresckow

Simply put, my Lilla is earmarked as my "assisted living loom". The size is right, ease of treadling excellent, performance and resulting fabric excellent, and the tieup as recommended at purchase  does not require crawling under the loom once assembled.