Can anyone recommend a book / booklet / download that has patterns for beginner tea towels using a four shaft table loom?  The ones I have found either call for a rigid heddle (which I don't know if I can substitute) or look a little too difficult for a beginner like me.  I have read some posts here where Deb Chandler's book is recommended so I shall search that one out for general information, but if anyone can recommend a pattern book I would be greatful!  Thank you.



I would recommend the free ebooks on the Weaving Today website or the Weaver's Craft series of magazines that you can purchase on their website.  They're great for beginners.  Enough info to keep you interested, but doesn't overwhelm.  I'd put a link here, but I'm really not good at that kind of stuff.  Maybe someone else will post a link here for you or just google them. 

Kathy in KY



Anne Dixon's "Handweavers Pattern Directory" is for 4 shafts. Shows swatches, draft and yarns used in the swatches.



Interweave store has several publications. top 10 dishtowels for 4 shafts is one of them,  5 towels on 4 shafts is another. The Dixon book as the well as the Davison book. And there's always





Welcome Barbiedee,

Soon enough, you will have way too many patterns you want to weave, but I remember the frustration in the beginning, when you are trying to sort things out.  Khakijean had good advice, log onto Weaving Today, and make a free account (the blue colored words are embedded links).  The place to register and once you have an account, is in the upper right.

Once you are in, there are 8 pull-down menus.  There is a lot of great information to explore here.  One thing that might be especially useful is the menu Tools & Resources, the top selection under that heading is eBooks (really pdfs of articles), and I think the top choice has 4-shaft patterns. 

Have fun - there is so much to learn.  And come back and tell us of your progress, and ask questions when you get stuck.  I have found this to be a very supportive community.



".....Soon enough, you will have way too many patterns......"

Boy, ain't that the truth! And you want to weave them all too!