Let us know if you're going. Our meet up is planned for Tuesday 2 August at 5 pm.

We look forward to hearing about your Convergence preperations and meeting whomever we can as soon as we can!


[email protected]

DH entered most of my weaving books into our library database.  Very few duplicates despite being dispersed in space within our house and acquired over decades.  I still have to finish stash inventory and put all of the class list items together.  Next task will be to weave thread off of favorite stick shuttles.  Boat shuttles are ready for selection and packing.

[email protected]

I wrote about DH cataloging my weaving books with very few duplicates despite being acquired over decades and dispersed all over our house.  Stick shuttles were liberated last night.

[email protected]

The disappearance of 8 day count-down message is a bummer.  Today is an off  off-day regarding preparation, save for one thing, we joined the Fiber Trust!  Starting to watch the weather and looking at tourist information for Milwaukee. Tomorrow is another day. 

sally orgren

Cataloging your books is a great idea. (I have my list on my cell phone.) There are a lot of new books coming out this summer and there will be book signings at the conference. Also, you can bring books from home and have them autographed, if you have some spare room in your suitcase!

sally orgren

I just learned about someone seeking a roommate for the conference. If you are also looking to share a hotel room, send me a PM and I'll put you in touch.


I have been so enjoying Fjacobson's posts - I hope you are doing OK.  Certainly you have not run out of preparation, have you?  You are all going to have so much fun.  Am hoping to join you in 2018.


[email protected]

Wrapping up work to be away for a week is consuming my bandwidth now.  Glad to have gotten as far as I did with preparations before the one week mark.  I really enjoy reading what others write.  

sally orgren

I SO can relate to that statement!!!


I wish I could make it this time, and hope I'll be able to next time.  You all enjoy yourselves!!

[email protected]

Down to the fingers on one hand.  Starting to think about how to best connect with Weavolutions friends both at the conference and those who cannot join us.  I have a twitter account that I got for a course so that I know enough to be dangerous.  Basically, we all shared one @xxxx for which we needed a password so that the communication was easy within the group but could not be accessed by others.  Anyone interested?


I just got good with texting and finally set up a Facebook account...don't think I could handle figuring out Twitter at this stage in my life!!  LOL LOL


sally orgren

because anyone can view (no password or login required unless you want to chime in), and it is bookmarked on my phone for quick access. With Rav, I have to upload to a project folder (or elsewhere) before importing to a conversation. One too many steps, too much time messing around when I am on the fly.

I don't want to be fiddling with my phone or computer any more than necessary when I have the opportunity of actual face time with amazing weavers and seeing amazing things! But I will try and load a few images to share with everyone who didn't get a chance to come this year.

And if there is anything that changes at the last minute, it would be great to share through this thread.

Erica J

We are still here! I just got caught up on the great conversation here!

We are in WI already visiting Oli's family before Convergence. I'm tempted to post a photo of the 2 suitcases of Convergence promotional materials. But 3 flights on it's a bit scatterd. Our final preparations are getting the color challenge and ad packets ready! See you all soon!


I have a twitter account that I do not use, but fjacobson, pm me and I will try to follow along.  Of course, prioritize your own immersion into the moment!

And Sally, we will all be looking forward to your posts.

Joyce (not verified)

I've called Wisconsin home since 1981. I love the state and all it has to offer. Where are Oli's family located?

[email protected]

I sometimes post to Weavolution from my phone--so I am very happy to post to this thread during convergence.  I am not facile at loading pictures from my phone to weavolution though so those may have to wait until we get back home.  Private e-mail is also fine for me since my handle here is also my e-mail address, available to all.

Only one more trip to work, ahhhhh.


Due to an error, Purrington was left off the list of vendors that will be at Convergence. They will be there!  Across from the entrance to the Exhibit Hall. Can't wait to see everyone at Convergence.

sally orgren

I checked the Gallery Guide, and Purrington is listed there. I checked the website, and Purrington is listed there. (Whew! Heart attack averted.) And I see Purrington is at the intersection of the entrance to the vendor hall and the exhibits, so how can we miss you?

In case you are wondering, below is the link to the vendor hall map. (Purrington will be in 207, 209, 306, 308.)


I got a chance to weave on Jane's Purrington loom at Maryland Sheep and Wool this spring. It wove beautifully. The most amazing part is Bruce will show you how quickly and easily this floor loom folds up and rolls away with a warp on it.


Before my near heart attack at reading the last post, I was popping onto this forum to mention one of the entertaining and competitive events I am highly anticipating (next to the shuttle race), will be held on Saturday at 1:00. Warping War II: Suzie Liles & Madelyn van der Hoogt will face off B2F vs. F2B. For those of you who were at Long Beach 2012, round one found Suzie finishing ahead by about 10 minutes if I recall correctly. (If Suzie wins a second time, this might put the discussion about which is the fastest warping method to rest.)

[email protected]

I have made my last trip to work!  I do have writing work to finish and a couple of conference calls on the way to Milwaukee.  DH found his HGA name tag--mine may be under piles on my desk, oops.  He also found my small stash of plied wire that I made in Providence.  Weekend is for packing.


Safe travels to everyone who is going!

Erica J

We're soending one last day with family and our wee man. We are heading out after and early dinner. We shoukd be at the Double Tree by 8! Let us know if you'll be around tonight! We look forward to meeting everyone who can make it to Convergence!

sally orgren

My guild, Jockey Hollow Weavers, will be entering two shuttles in the race Thursday eve. So I have been thinking about sheep a lot lately. (Perhaps that is why I am sleeping so well at night?)

Here is one of the JHW vehicles. (Come and cheer on this gang of sheep on Thursday evening if you don't have an entry to submit yourself.) Thanks go to our shuttle donors, Weaver Steve for the woodworking assistance, and the collaborative efforts of a few members to create these entries.

Sheep Thrills I:

sally orgren

HGA has an Instagram account, and there have been nearly daily posts for months now.

If you want to follow along via that venue: #HGA or #Convergence2016 should work.


Oh my - so many posts already - this looks exciting for all of you.

Am hoping 2018's convergence is in the cards for me.

[email protected]

I received my color challenge envelope at the meeting. "How sweet it is, smile, and hugs and kisses" --shades of blushing.  One matches the pink of the pads of my fingers. I am over the moon happy with class. Memorable HGA and Wisconsin Center history: well handled evacuation for fire (not set by anyone attending Convergence).

Tomorrow the vendors and on-site exhibits open at noon!  




I was watching the news this evening and they mentioned the evacuation at the WI Center and I thought "oh no!"  I am really glad that it went well.  I am looking forward to stopping by the Weavo booth on Friday.


Joyce (not verified)

I was planning to listen to the CoE discussion but the Rag Rug Show and Tell is at the same time.  What to do, what to do....I leave for Milwaukee in 3 hours!


It was so great getting to meet a few of you last night for drinks and dinner! Here is a Photo of the group of fantastic people who joined us!

Erica J

Today's tapestry class is living up to every expectation.  You can see I still need to work on my color sense. Off the cuff color choices are not my best thing. 

Erica J

So I realizedI brought my sketchbook. So I started using the photos I've collected there to help with my colour choices and that helps.