I have an old, but new to me, Macomber. I have an issue with the bottom of the S hook catching on the harness in front, pulling that side of the harness up, and also with the chains kinking and creating a harness that is also uneven. This only happens on the right side. 

Of note, the previews owner had hitched the opposite side chains one space higher to create a wider shed. The S hooks are squished closed on that side.


Anyone else run into this problem? Have a solution? Has anyone ever replaced the chains with Texsolv?


Thanks for any help you can give.






Michael White

What is causing your chain to kink is the fact the frames are not hanging even if you have a chain on one side longer then the other. If you have to I would replace all the chain with "Sash chain" using 11 links per chain and I would close all of the S hooks. As far as Texsolv, I don't think it will be able to handle the weight of the frames. If you have some try it you have nothing to lose.







Thanks, Michael. I will give the sash chain a try.


Thanks, Michael. I will give the sash chain a try.