Just wondering if there is a true front/back to the harnesses. The heddles *look* like they are on straight, but I really can't tell; the thread seems to run straight through (rather than zig-zag).


Here is a picture of how they are currently hung, looking from the front.

hanging harnesses properly


Michael White

No front or back. As long as the eye in the heddles are set so when you look at then you can see the eye opening. So what is the problem? Please note the frames at rest do not sit even looking at the tops.



Thistle and Rose (not verified)

Just love the purple harnesses on your loom, they make me smile.

Thistle and Rose (not verified)

Just love the purple harnesses on your loom, they make me smile.

sequel (not verified)

All heddle eyes should be facing the same direction, on used looms they are often mixed up.  I can see by the few heddles that show in your photo that some have the wire tab showing and some have the wire tab facing the back.  This may not matter if all the heddle eyes are facing the correct direction, but it's something to fix if they are mixed up.  Heddle eyes should open toward the right for right handed weavers, and to the left for left handed weavers.  This is usually accomplished by flipping the heddles on their bars top to bottom to change direction.  If they are mixed up on the bars, you'll have to take them off and fix them individually.