My loom arrived with bent bars (the ones near the harnesses...what are they called?) Do they need to be replaced? If so, with what?


This is how they look:

bent bars


Michael White

Them lamm control wires. You can bend them back a little. As long as your frames are lifting ok a little bend will not hurt.


The heddle bar holes on the frames are empty in the picture.  My loom came with those metal brads used to attach papers together in them,  I now use small safety pins.  If not secured, they will work their way loose and dump heddles at inconvenient times, though.

Peg R

Is this by any chance a Macomber? I had a problem with the heddle bars being bent on the 20"8H workshop loom I bought a year ago. Sometimes the heddles catch the neighboring bar as I am weaving, which of course messes with the shed. Not a problem with my larger looms.

sequel (not verified)

Sad to say, the new CP looms do not have spring steel heddle bars.  Yup, they bend and stay that way.  You can, of course bend them right back.  I find it is essential to keep the brads, or whatever you're using, in place to keep the bent bars from pulling out of the frame slots in extreme situations.  If I were made of money, I'd have new blued spring steel heddle bars made.  There's always the Powerball...