I would like to buy a light to attach to the center of the castle in order to see my work better as I'm weaving.  Does anyone have suggestions?  I don't want to use the traditional drafters swing-arm lamp as they are much bigger than I need. Thanks for any ideas.



I use clamp-on utility lamps a lot.  I get the heavier duty ones because I like to use a heat bulb (heat and light), and can move it around as needed.

In the summer, I use daylight bulbs in them.

morgan clifford

Thanks big white sofa dog.  Do you mean the kind you get in the hardware store?  Do they stay put when you beat the structure?

morgan clifford

Thanks Michael.  As always you have such great info.  That really helps.  I'll check it out as soon as it stops snowing.


I have two, one on each end.   They work great, and they are easy to move around for the various stages of warping.

morgan clifford

Thanks Dawne, I appreciate the info.

Peg R

How wide do the clips go? My castle top seems unusually high. I used an 8h conversions kid on my Nilus and it has a raised edge at the top of the castle.

Michael White

The clips open 2 1/2 inches I just checked


I use a hiking headlamp.  I can angle it and it goes where I go.  It's really best when threading, because I sit on a low stool and a light on the castle would cast shadows on the heddles unless it hand a long arm to move it forwards, in which case I would probably hit my head on it.

morgan clifford

There are so many uses for those headlamps.  I'd love to see a photo of you sitting on your low stool, threading, and all lit up!

morgan clifford

Great idea!  Thanks for sharing this.  Your loom looks so beautiful.  It reminds that there are stick-on lights these days also.  Stick-ons are battery driven but could be used temporarily for various processes.  Your system looks very productive.