Hi everyone, i just warped my first project and was watching the warping video with Tim showing how to create a warp and i noticed he was using a warping stick. I was wondering if anyone had warping stick instead of the dowel and which one is easier to use.?



I believe that the Harp used to come with warping sticks but at some point in time - I don't know when- they switched to warping dowels. I think it mentions on the New Voyager website that the video show warping sticks but the Harp comes with dowels. I have a new Harp (purchased May of this year) that came with the dowels, so that's all I've used. I imagine there could be pro's and con's to each, but can't speak from experience.


Hi I have just gotten a Krosmski 24 and the flattened stick went out of use quite a while ago to my knowlage. Yes the dowel is sent now with the kit.  I would think the stick would last longer since it is thicker but some have said not .Either is serviceable, I would think,if one does not use very very high tention for long periods of time.   Losening the warp when not weaving might help keep the dowels from warping as well.  I always did that on my little brio loom when it is unused for any time and have heard of others who do losen warp as well, even on larger table and floor looms.


Are these actually tie-on rods? And now a round dowel rod instead of a flat stick? Your dowel or stick should not really warp when tensioned for long periods because you have counter tension between warp and beam cords. I may not understand here what kind of stick your using and how it functions. I'm not a user of this type of loom.


The string you show in your picture connecting the dowel for the tension.   Do you know where can I purchase some of that string?  It did come with the loom, but I need some more.    Thanks