My project is kitchen towels in a Summer & Winter pattern using 8/2 unmercerized cotton for warp and weft.  I have 504 ends and planned to use a sett of 24 EPI. Somewhere along the line I wrapped the yarn around a ruler and had 28 WPI.  Dividing by 2 gave me a sett of 14 EPI.  It seems like I've missed something.  Will 24 EPI make the towel too stiff?    



Summer and Winter generally uses a much thicker pattern weft.  24 epi would likely make a thick, fairly stiff towel.  I would tend towards something like 18 or 20 epi. 

Weave a sample, wet finish it, then decide which way you would like to go with it. 



Joyce (not verified)

do you mean with an 8/2 warp, I should use a weft that's say, 8/4 or thicker?  I did sley my 10 dent reed at 20 EPI and planned to sample first. Thanks for the help.