Well, I finally got round to it.

Had this thing floating about in my head for a good long time now, as I'd never been fully satisfied with any of the various looms or setups for tablet weaving. They were either too large or unwieldy and backstrap style, while wonderfully nomadic is a bit of a pain as you can't quickly just put it down to answer the door.


So this is lasercut from 6mm poplar ply. It all just slots together and should be postable in an A4 envelope, reducing shipping costs (in theory).


I'm going to have a stab at selling these and this is my first really rough draft. As you may be able to see, I've forgotten to put a place in the main boards to mount ratchet stops so I'm propping the ratchets up with nails and screws and things like that. Also, some improvements could stand to be made to the beam setup to make it move more smoothly, I'm even considering buying bearings. For now it works not bad though, and it's not as if the beams are moving all the time anyway, so a bit of friction isn't a huge pain in the behind.


In the next, or second next, draft I'd like to figure out some way of having the cards individually weighted with something like tama in order to allow continual turning, currently this loom only supports patterns that are equally forward and reverse across the cards, so it's limited in that way. I also feel that I need to find a way of strengthening the long-wise dimension of it as it can bend a little under tension.


Also, this ply is not perfect for the comb as when it's cut that fine it's quite weak, so in the future I may make the comb from acrylic instead, it would probably allow me to cut finer combs as well.



I'm very new to this world of tablet weaving, but this loom looks great!

Do you have an estimate for price to be?


Andrew Kieran (not verified)

Hi RedSamur

I don't have a price estimate yet. I've just been knocking out a number of these things in a mad rush to get ready for a workshop (still cutting the joining plates, the workshop is in an hour and a half) so I haven't really got my efficiency down yet.

Price will depend on a lot of things and it may be a while before I have a price as I'm still mulling over whether it's more economical to buy a lasercutter (my sister in law would have many uses for one also) or get the parts cut by a firm.

Also, I'm emigrating to Greece in the next few months so I need to get settled there first. But in the meantime I'm planning to put the plans up for sale so people can lasercut or scrollcut their own if they have the means to do so.


Looks really nice! Your band is working out really well too. Once you get everything worked out with your plans,  it should be a big hit for folks wishing to make their own. Laughing

Ancient Weaver

I'm generally very happy with "backstrapping", but I use the term loosely, as I simply snitch the extra warp with a larkshead in a loop, and hang the loop over a drawer knob. For tension, I often just pull on the braid with my left hand while turning the tablets or w/e with my right. When the braid is long enough, I just tie it round my waist with a loop so it comes undone in a split second when I need to get up for anything.

That looks really nice though, and I especially like the warp separator. I have had quite a bit of trouble advancing the warp in the past, and now keep each group of threads wound in separate balls. It's not perect though, as the balls get tangled and sometimes come undone. Despite taking up almost zero space, it's not very transportable either, for the same reasons, so I'll be watching this space with interest! :)



I am new to tablet weaving only a few warps under my belt. I have been using a popular card loom. 

I can't see the back  of your loom and I'm wondering do the combs keep the warp from twisting ( I see that the cards just spin equal amts. Front and back) and is there a roller in the back that the extra warp gets rolled on?


P.S. Love Greece!

Andrew Kieran (not verified)

Hi cathie, 


The warp is rolled on the beam just as in a normal loom. This loom has a cloth and warp beam just like a normal loom.  There is currently no facility for removing twist in this loom.  I plan to make an alternative setup for the back that would allow the weaver to use individually weighted cards,  but have been too busy this last week.  I shall post more pictures on Monday so you can see how the thing works.  The comb is there to spread the warp as I've found that to be helpful in keeping a consistent width when weaving.  It also acts as a raddle when beaming