this may be more a sewing question. I have just finished weaving yardage for an alpaca poncho.

It is in 2 sections-  1 long rectangle and 1 shorter rectangle

i need to sew the shorter rectangle to the longer one to conect the sections.

my first thought was to sew the two seams  on my sewing machine but that will create bulky seams.

what is a good method?



butt the two pieces against each other and then hand sew them together carefully catching a secure thread on each piece. Which I know is hard to picture. If you are a knitter it is like grafting the two pieces together to reduce the bulk of a seam.


I thought about that but was worried it might not be strong enough. I'll try it. Thank you!


jander14indoor (not verified)

Strength will depend on which edges you sew along.  

It was/is pretty common to sew selvedge to selvedge for overshot bed covers to get sufficient width from narrower looms.  On mine I used a baseball stitch to get a flat seam.  

I think strength would be an issue if any one of the edges was a cut one that could fray.

Based on my limited experience.


Jeff Anderson

Livonia, MI