Hello I am so new to weaving that I have never tried it yet.  I purchased a used Beka 20 inch  used from a gal on ravelry.  Are they hard for beginners to learn on and can you reccomend a good book or dvd?



Welcome to the world of weaving! The two books I recommend to my students are The Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving by Rowena Hart Hands on Rigid Heddle Weaving by Betty Davenport Both books are good and while much is similar in them there are differences. The Davenport book was written in the 80s and is considered the "classic" but it does not cover Direct Warping which most of us use now days. The Hart book does cover Direct Warping and there are lots of wonderful pictures to help with warping and weaving. The Hart book does use Ashford looms but your Beka works the same way. Of course, there are other wonderful books for Rigid Heddle weaving out there but these two are great to start with. If you have any questions please ask. We have a number of wonderful RH weavers on Weavolution.

steve104c (not verified)

This is the perfect book for your rigid heddle loom. "Hands On, Rigid Heddle Weaving by Betty Linn Davenport"(Interweave Press). Check out Pacific Wool and Fiber web site for this and other good weaving books.............Steve.

bettyboop55 (not verified)

thank you for your help. I am excited to get started! There is soooooooooooooo much to learn.

bettyboop55 (not verified)

I ordered the book from Betty Linn Davenport. Hope it comes soon.

Caroline (not verified)

I can only re-inforce what has been said about the Davenport book - it is an excellent grounding in rigid heddle weaving! After that there are a crop of new rigid heddle books out, all different and covering different aspects of using the loom, and you will also find techniques here on Weavo in the Weave-A-Longs, where we have combined our knowledge to push the boundaries on our looms. If you can wade through the archives of this group,you will find lots of useful links for when you are ready to fly.

This is a very helpful group, with a lot of knowledge and experience, and best of all, we have some excellent lateral thinkers for sorting out knotty issues!

francorios (not verified)

Here is the Beka that I used to weave on. I found that when I turned the beams to advance the warp or wind on the warp, one of the knobs that locks in the tension would get tight when I was not expecting.

So be on the look out for that. And did you measure the spacing of the teeth on the beams? What is the spacing on your heddle?

I sold my Beka last year and kept my Erica because I didn't need two rigid heddle looms.

Have a good day!

Franco Rios


 I have a vintage Erica and thought I was the only person on the planet that had one.I have only  woven a rag table runner on it and  want to do more but not sure what materials to use.Would like to make a sdoft cotton table runner.Any suggestions?

Karren K. Brito

I would highly reccomend the newer book by Jane Patrick, Weavers Idea Book written for contemporary rigid heddle looms; http://smile.amazon.com/Weavers-Idea-Book-Creative-Heddle/dp/1596681756/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1441668769&sr=1-1&keywords=jane+patrick


Smile I agree...the Weaver's Idea Book is great.  I am new to weaving and recently got a Glimakra 19" and a 32" Kromski and have really liked this book.  I have the Ashford book, but it goes into so much depth.  I am really enjoying weaving and don't have enough time to do everything!!!  Cry  Good luck with your weaving!


 I to have a vintage Erica and have only tried a rag tablerunner on it.Would love to weave more and gain some confidence.Hopefully over the winter .