Who would like to meet up online, using Google Hangout, this month? If you are interested,please let me know what dates/times work best for you. We had been meeting up the 3rd Saturday of each month at 7:30 GMT.



Back in the saddle. and can meet saturday if you're up for it.



Sorry, can't make it. I will have had 2 surgeries in a week, won't be able to see straight , let alone talk,lol !  Have a good productive meeting though!

Erica J

I was in Ireland on Saturday. I'm around this Saturday. 7:30 BST?



I can try to meet up with you on Saturday 18th - if I can make hangout work for me!


I have us down for a "regular" meeting this Saturday at 1 CST,  which would be 7 in London.. but half an hour later works for me too. 

Who initiates the hang-out? 

Ill have my summer and winter sample done by then. 

Erica J

We can go 7 or 7:30. I usually start the Hangout.


Whichever works for you is fine with me.


Erica J

I'm on! I realized I never set an actual time, so if you are around, you can request access to the hangout here, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gtpfajquoowjxdhn3sn57ademqa

Hope to see a few folks in a mo! :)

Erica J

I really enjoyed the online meet up last night. I do hope others will be able to make it next time. I also look forward to the in person meet up at Fibre East next Sunday!!!!