One of the advantages of both certif I cate programs is the independent study aspect. We get to chose the orderof our studies. In thinking about this, I realised we have all likely chosen different orders, whuch means we all have knowledge we can share with one another.  Would otger people be interested in taking turns running mini workshops?

We could either try an online format, or we could try finding a village hall which is  entrally located and affordable enough for us to share the cost of the hall? I knkw there are a nujber of us in the Bedfordhsire/Cambridge area.

Let me know what you think!



Good idea! Online workshops need a lot of preparation but would reach more people than any land-based location.

Erica J

I am up go either. Those of us in the Cambridge /Bedford area could still get together and combine with an online workshop!

i would be happy to lead the first workshop, if people are interested in weft faced weaving, which is what I am currently studying.

So I guess the next question is what are people interested in at this point?

Erica J

Now that fall seems well on it's way I'd like to schedule a mini workshop. Does any one have any suggestions for dates. Would those in the Bedford/Cambridge area have suggestions for a venue, or would you all be up for coming to my house in Newmarket?

Erica J

What does everyone think about trying to put together a mini workshop for October. I know it seems a long way off at the moment, but I'm sure weekends for Augutst and Septmeber are probably all booked up for everyone.