So, I have been setting up my new to me, 48" Mac.


I have not screwed everything in, but I think the beater is warped.  From what the previous owner told me, it had belonged to one of her friend's grandmothers.  The grandmother passed away, and the friend inherited.  She had no room for the loom so had it outside.  Then the woman I bought it from acquired it and stored it in a shed.


Is the beater salvageable?  Does it matter too much if it is bent?  I am guessing it would alter my beat slightly if it remained warped.


I could possibly order a new beater if needed, but would prefer not to.


In the picture, the front portion of the beater is touching the castle, and the back is about an inch away.

Macomber Beater


Edit:  I read some more threads about this, some say it is a problem, others say it won't affect the weaving.  Once I get the loom ready to weave again, I'll see if it affects it at all.  Read some great suggestions how to straighten the beater if needed.



Have you checked that the cams and slots are adjusted at the base of the beater. You may be able to eliminate the gap seen in the photo.
