I know it is really early to be discussing this,  but I know April can be busy, so I thought looking at calendars sooner rather than later.

I also thought discussing this in the forum might be easier, in case we have ne members join, etc.

Europe will be eback to our normal time difference.  I am easily available the 3rd and last weekend. 



Right now my April 18th looks fine. I never know what will happen though...


Erica J

Any ohter requests? Cathie, is there a particular weekend which works for you? I'd love to test the limits of how many people we can get in one hangout session! :)


For sure! I'd love a packed house :) I think we need to get a commitment going here, though. I'm available on the April 18 th. In May I have surgery and June I travel so I won't be there either of those months but can resume in July. Let me know the date you decide upon and I'll send out a reminder! Cathie


April 18 Google Hangout is happening! 2:00 pm EST.