I've got a new problem with my Mac.  It's a B type from the 50s with 8 harnesses on it.  Here's the problem.  The steel rod that connects to the jacks at the top and the lamms at the bottom (don't know the correct term) keeps popping off of the right side of harness 8.  Nowhere else.  I put it back on, weave for a bit, and it pops off again.

As I said, this is a new problem. 

Here's the only thing I can see: it appears to me that the hook at the top of this rod is a bit shorter than the hooks at the tops of the other rods.  But I assume that the hooks haven't changed in the years I've had it and worked with it (LOTS) successfully.  So I have no clue how to stop this really annoying problem.

I'm trusting that someone smarter than me will tell me what I should look at/for to remedy this situation.




Peg.Cherre (not verified)

In case it wasn't obvious - the rod keeps popping off the brass jack at the top of the loom.

Michael White

Have you tried bending the hook?



Peg.Cherre (not verified)

Nope, Michael, didn't try anything.  I know that steel is really tough, but I'll give it a shot.

I have paid attention to what treadle I'm using when it pops off -- it's always the same one -- so I'm gonna change all the older hooks on that treadle to super hooks and see if it makes a difference, too.

Dena (not verified)

I have also had that problem on two of my macombers.  Sometimes at the top, sometimes at the bottom.  I think I have bent the rod a little to try and make it better.  I have also used the lazy solution of throwing a piece of masking tape over the troubled spot and usually it's enough to get it to stay for a while.