Well, I knew it might happen sooner or later. I put a four towel warp on the warping board and I am just a few inches from finishing when I ran out of the Webs Valley Yarn 8/2 magenta. I need about six "passes" on the warping board of this color, but it looks like they don't carry that color number anymore, but they do carry the color number in their 10/2 mercerized cotton. if I need so little of this color, can I mix the new 10/2 mercerized with the old 8/2 unmercerized? I feel that I could, since so little is needed. What do you think?


Sara von Tresckow

You'll be really close and it probably works. Since you are at the end, this will be on the selvedge. You might want to chain a very little bout for the other edge so your selvedges match and that would make everything match better.

Sue in VT

Thank you Sara. I feel better running this idea by experienced weavers. Little by little I'm running into the issues I've been reading about, and it gives me encouragement when I solve "stuff"!


Check on ravelry to see if someone might have a bit of the yarn they would sell or just send to you. If I had some it would be yours. Good luck. =^.^=