I use my Macomber loom a lot.  A LOT.  After every warp (most 100% unmercerized cotton) I do a thorough vacuum under the loom (LOTS of dust bunnies) and reach where I can easily with the crevice tool of my vacuum cleaner.  Is there other cleaning and/or maintenance I should be doing on a regular basis to make sure my loom and I are a happy couple for years to come? 

FYI, my Mac was born in 1954, so it's 2 years younger than me.  It's working swell.  When I acquired it (6-8 years ago, I think) I replaced all the bumper pads, but haven't replaced anything other than some heddles.  There are some squeaks when some shafts are raised. 

Thanks for the benefit of your considerable experience!


Michael White

I squeak, well pop and crack a little. You need to take a stiff brush to the lamm slots and the treadle grooves. Macomber reommends vasoline on the jacks and lass were they flex. You can use a bar of wax (a thin candle works well) on the lamm grooves and a spray lub on the treadle rods (in the back)

Peg.Cherre (not verified)

I wonder if there's an image somewhere that can point to exactly where I should vaseline.  For the spray lube, are you suggesting something like WD40?  I thought I recalled an earlier thread where such a thing was most decidedly NOT recommended.  Maybe that was on the heddle bars???

Peg.Cherre (not verified)

Gee, I should have gone to Sarah Haskell's blog BEFORE I posted that last comment.  Here are two pages where she shows the process she recommends. 



I have to say I am NOT going to remove that lamm guide until/unless I decide to add 2 more harness to my currently 8H Mac - that looks TOO SCARY!  But I can do the vaseline on a Qtip to both the jacks & the lamms, and where the treadle rods meet the jacks,  and clean & spray the harness tracks.

Thanks again, Michael.