Now I know where the name of this group comes from!  I've spent several hours trying the new way to thread my rigid heddle  suggested by previous posters.  Thank you very much!  My problem has come with winding the warp onto the apron rod.  What a rat's nest!

Maybe long warps are not for me.  I'm tired of raking through tangles to slowly wind the warp onto the rod.  I know threading the holes will be easy if I can just get there!

Maybe someone can tell me how to avoid the tangles?  Thanks, Audrey



Are you beaming under tension? Threads don't tangle if they're kept taught.


Is your warp cotton? Hold it firmly between two hands and snap it several times firmly ,that should help. You'll have to continue doing this as you move down the warp. Then as Marie say put it under tension .


No, not under tension.  I'll have to figure out how to get someone to help me, I guess.  I live alone.


Yes, I did lots of shaking and snapping but it didn't help much.  Thanks!


There are lots of ways to tension a warp without a helper (my helpers don't have thumbs and are more interested in their dog toys).  I usually use a trapeze or valet, but I have tied the warp to paint cans and dragged it across the floor.  

sequel (not verified)

If you have a tabletop rigid heddle loom you will need to clamp it to the table or otherwise make it immobile as you wind on your weighted warp.  Tie it to the wall, or a chair or something so you can concentrate on the warp and beaming.  I take the warp in groups, snap it taut and make a slip knot a few inches up from the floor from which I can hang a weight using an S hook.  Then crank on until the weight gets as far as the table top, release more warp from the chain, and repeat.  Dragging paint cans and piles of books have not worked for me. 


I've snapped the warp. Sometimes it works, but sometimes, depending on the yarn, it's still sticks. I strum it like a guitar. It seems to individualize the threads better for me anyway. But always under tension.Tension is your best friend!